Hay Management
Hay Management
Here at Tubeline, we believe that you should be able to manage your hay quickly and easily. Whether you need to condition your hay or silage before baling, or transporting your bales, Tubeline has the right product for you. Transporters range from small bales such as the Accumul8 and its grabber, to larger bales using our Technobale bale wagon.

The Accelerator's easy operation conditions hay by simply running it through adjustable steel crimping rollers, up to 15 mph. This process cracks the hay stems without knocking off the leaves. Conditioning also fluffs the hay, allowing air to flow through the swath, for faster and more even drying from top to bottom. Speed up your operation with the Tubeline Accelerator producing better hay, faster drying time and bigger profits. Contact your authorized Tubeline dealer for more details.

The Tubeline Accumul8 gives producers time-savings for one of farmings biggest jobs. The Accumul8 is your solution for handling bales efficiently - saving you time and man power. You can now handle eight, ten or twelve bales at one time. This allows one person to quickly gather and load wagons or highway trailers. Keep your farm operating efficiently with the addition of the Tubeline Accumul8. The Accumul8's mechanical design requires no external hydraulics, PTO or electrical connections. Each bale triggers a series of switches, guiding the next bale into proper location and then releasing the entire pack when full.
For increased efficiency Tubeline's Grabber utilizes large curved tines to pick up bale packs for quick loading into storage and highway trailers. The Grabber is available in a variety of models to compliment Tubeline's Accumul8 series.

The TechnoBale's fully adjustable arm is designed to give the bale a spin before picking it up, so you can follow the path of the baler without time-consuming and damaging cross-tracking. You can adjust everything from the arm to the bale guides on the TechnoBale to fit your preferred bale size, from 4x4 to 5x6, for safe and simple operation. The convenient hydraulics are designed to work with most tractors' available hydraulics requiring only two sets of auxiliary outlets, moving from the loading cycle to the unloading cycle with the flip of a switch.
The TechnoBale's exclusive low-profile design not only makes it easier to see the road behind the wagon, but also keeps the loading arm in full view of the operator throughout the loading cycle. This makes the TechnoBale easy to use, productive and fast.